With good info on the way up

The latest developments on CURENTIS, regulatory reporting, compliance and anti-financial crime.


Here you will find regular information and publications from CURENTIS on the topics: Consulting, Anti Financial Crime, Regulatory Reporting and Product Management:

  • current news
  • Professional articles
  • Columns

and more.

Description of FinStabDEV and WiFSta (residential real estate financing statistics) including technical requirements, reporting frequencies and reporting scope
(click to request)

Definition of all relevant terms of Sustainable Banking
(click to request)

EU initiatives on Sustainable Banking from the beginning to the present situation
(click to request)

Background of the Supply Chain Act and description of its importance for different banking processes
(click to request)

KYC for insurance companies
(click to request)

Sanctions and Embargos
(click to request).

Current challenges and proposed solutions in AML for banks
(click to request)

Content and implications of SDG II
(click to request)

Cryptocurrencies and their importance for money laundering prevention
(click to request)

AML for payment service providers
(Click to request)