„Green Asset Ratio“ – Fundament der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung für Kreditinstitute

Online Veranstaltung

Ab 2024 kommt auf eine Vielzahl der Kreditinstitute eine deutliche Erweiterung der Nachhaltigkeitsberichterstattung zu. Zentraler Bestandteil ist die sogenannte Green Asset Ratio (GAR). Dabei handelt es sich um eine Nachhaltigkeitskennzahl, die ausdrückt, wie hoch der ökologisch nachhaltige Anteil der vorhandenen Vermögenswerte an der Gesamtaktiva ist. Dies Kennzahl soll einen Vergleich der berichtspflichtigen Kreditinstitute hinsichtlich der […]

Sustainability Reporting Guidelines – 7 steps to CSRD

Mandatory since 1 January - The Corporate Sustainable Reporting Directive, which replaces the previous Non-Financial Reporting Directive (NFRD), is the latest legislation on reporting non-financial information and obliges financial institutions to provide more detailed sustainability reporting. The CSRD significantly expands the non-financial reporting obligations in several respects - in terms of personnel, content, time and […]


Grundlagen Risikomanagement

Online Veranstaltung

Ein funktionierendes Risikomanagement ist für eine Bank eines der wichtigsten Fundamente. In diesem Web-Seminar geben wir einen umfangreichen Überblick zu den Grundlagen des Risikomanagements.   Was bedeutet Risikomanagement konkret für die Bankprozesse? Wie lassen sich die Risiken wirkungsvoll ermitteln, bewerten und steuern? Welche Regulatorischen Anforderungen stehen im Vordergrund? CURENTIS stellt Ihnen auf übersichtliche Weise das Thema […]

Insight into the KYC Process for Corporate Clients

Online Veranstaltung

This informative webinar delves into the critical Know Your Customer (KYC) process, focusing specifically on its application to corporate clients. We'll explore the background and significance of KYC in today's financial landscape, highlighting why it's become an indispensable part of modern banking and financial services. Our expert speakers will guide you through the due diligence […]


Grundlagen Meldewesen

Online Veranstaltung

Die regulatorischen Anforderungen an die Kreditinstitute unterliegen einem dynamischen Wandel. Die Meldungen werden daher immer komplexer und umfangreicher.  Dies führt zwangsläufig zu einem steigenden Anspruch an die Mitarbeiter im Meldewesen   In diesem kostenlosen Webseminar geben wir einen Überblick über die wichtigsten Meldungen und deren Inhalte.     CURENTIS Webseminar „Grundlagen Meldewesen“  Am 25.09.2024 von 17.00 Uhr […]

Understanding Money Laundering – An Introduction to Money Laundering Prevention

Online Veranstaltung

In this informative webinar, we'll delve into the critical topic of money laundering and terrorist financing, providing you with essential knowledge to combat these financial crimes. This webinar will equip you with the knowledge to recognize potential money laundering activities and implement robust prevention strategies in your organization. By the end of this webinar, participants […]


Creating Transparency – Sanctions, Embargoes and Their Key Role in AML Processes

Online Veranstaltung

This comprehensive webinar explores the critical role of sanctions and embargoes in Anti-Money Laundering (AML) processes, with a focus on creating transparency in financial and trade systems. We'll examine various types of sanctions, including trade and financial sanctions, and their implementation in AML frameworks. A significant portion of the webinar will be dedicated to the […]


Transparency & responsibility – KYC as the basis for sustainable banking

Online Veranstaltung

In this insightful webinar, we explore the crucial intersection of Know Your Customer (KYC) processes and sustainable banking practices. As regulatory bodies increasingly focus on sustainability, financial institutions must adapt their strategies to meet these evolving demands while mitigating risks. We'll discuss how integrating Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) factors into KYC procedures can significantly […]


US AML guidelines and their influence on German banks

Online Veranstaltung

We are pleased to invite you to an in-depth webinar focusing on "US AML Guidelines and their influence on German Banks." This event will provide valuable insights for banking professionals and compliance experts into the complexities of US AML regulations and their impact on German financial institutions. We will dive into the essential components and […]
