AML related risks and recommendations for payment agents & e-money distributors
Anti-Financial CrimeThe National Risk Assessment (NRA) of Luxembourg revealed Money Laundering (ML) related risks of the money services business sector (MVTS) which consists of the sub-sectors: payment institutions, e-money institutions, payment agents and e-money…

Client’s Senior Manager or Fictive Beneficial Owners of FIFA: Gianni Infantino
Anti-Financial CrimeThe series on Fictive Ultimate Beneficial owners of FIFA comes to an end. In the last series, we reviewed former temporary president of FIFA, Issa Hayatou. In this series, we look at current head of the organization, Gianni Infantino. After…

Schweizer Bundesrat zieht mit Transparenzregister nach
Anti-Financial CrimeDer Schweizer Bundesrat rückt die Verschärfung des Kampfes gegen Geldwäsche weiter in den Fokus und fordert ein zentrales Register mit der Auflistung aller wirtschaftlich Berechtigten eines Unternehmens. Bis Mitte des Jahres 2023 soll hierzu…

Gemeinsam für einen optimalen KYC-Prozess und gegen Geldwäscherei: KYC Spider kooperiert mit CURENTIS
Anti-Financial CrimeDie KYC Spider AG kooperiert ab sofort mit der CURENTIS AG und kann Kunden nun neben digitalen, automatisierbaren Compliance Lösungen ebenfalls Beratungsdienstleistungen rund um Compliance- und Risiko Management Themen anbieten. CURENTIS ist…

Client’s Senior Manager or Beneficial Owners of FIFA: Issa Hayatou
Anti-Financial CrimeThe review of Ultimate beneficial owners of a company & organization continues. In the last two series, we defined Notional Ultimate Beneficial Owners of FIFA and reviewed former presidents of the organization, Joao Havelange and Sepp Blatter.…

Client’s Senior Manager or Beneficial Owners of FIFA: Sepp Blatter
Anti-Financial CrimeIn the previous series, we described the definition and methods of determination of the Ultimate Beneficial Owners of a company. As mentioned, if no person can be defined as a beneficial owner after AML criteria of a certain country, then we…

CURENTIS AFC-Web-Seminar-Reihe 2023
Anti-Financial CrimeDas Jahr 2022 neigt sich langsam dem Ende zu, doch auch im kommenden Jahr geht CURENTIS mit einer neuen Web-Seminar Reihe im Bereich Anti-Financial-Crime an den Start. Unsere erfahrenen Consultants haben hierzu ein umfangreiches Programm…

Client’s Senior Manager or Beneficial Owners of FIFA
Anti-Financial CrimeThe ultimate goal of KYC due diligence is to find out the beneficial owners of a company or organization to prevent money laundering activities. The most used method of beneficial owners’ determination is based on the percentage of ownership…